Trusted TrueUSD

Trusted TrueUSD
Trusted TrueUSD



Trusted TrueUSD: The Secure Stablecoin for Safe Crypto Transactions

If you’re buying or selling cryptocurrencies, you may have heard of TrueUSD. TrueUSD is a stablecoin that was designed to help crypto traders mitigate risk by providing a safe alternative to other volatile cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what TrueUSD is, how it works, and why it has become a popular option for traders looking for a secure stablecoin.

What is TrueUSD?

TrueUSD is a stablecoin that is pegged to the US dollar at a 1:1 ratio. This means that one TrueUSD token is always worth one US dollar. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, the value of TrueUSD does not fluctuate with market conditions, making it a very stable asset for traders to use. TrueUSD was created by the TrustToken team, who also developed TrustToken Platform, a system that allows users to create their own stablecoins.

How does TrueUSD work?

TrueUSD works by utilizing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. When users want to purchase TrueUSD, they must first go through a Know Your Customer (KYC) process, which involves submitting personal identification documents. Once approved, the user can then purchase TrueUSD tokens, which are stored in their wallet address. When the user wants to sell their TrueUSD, they can simply send it back to the TrustToken platform, where it will be burned and the equivalent amount of US dollars will be transferred to their bank account.

Why is TrueUSD a trusted stablecoin?

TrueUSD is considered a trusted stablecoin for a number of reasons. One reason is that it is audited regularly by third-party accounting firms, which ensures that the amount of money held in reserve matches the total number of TrueUSD tokens in circulation. Additionally, TrueUSD utilizes a multi-layer security system that includes secured wallets, encrypted data, and other measures to protect against theft and hacking. Because of these measures, TrueUSD has become a popular stablecoin for traders who prioritize safety and security in their transactions.


Is TrueUSD a decentralized cryptocurrency?

No, TrueUSD is not a decentralized cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Instead, it is a stablecoin that is pegged to the US dollar.

What is the difference between TrueUSD and Tether?

TrueUSD and Tether are both stablecoins that are pegged to the US dollar. However, TrueUSD has gained a reputation for being more transparent and secure than Tether, which has faced controversy over its lack of audits and allegations of market manipulation.

Can I use TrueUSD for everyday transactions?

While it is possible to use TrueUSD for everyday transactions, it is primarily used by traders and investors who are looking for a stable asset to use in their crypto investments.


In conclusion, TrueUSD is a trusted and reliable stablecoin that can be used by crypto traders to mitigate risk in their investments. Its stability and security measures make it a popular option for those who prioritize safety in their transactions. If you’re interested in using TrueUSD for your own crypto investments, be sure to do your own research and invest wisely.

Useful links:

– TrustToken Platform:
– TrueUSD Audit Reports:
– TrueUSD Security Measures: